Cardiovascular Disease
Maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy diet are key components to the prevention and early intervention of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart failure and angina.
Our qualified health professionals tailor their treatment programs to help individuals improve fitness, lower blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol and body fat.

Our type II diabetes group program is led by Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP’s) with input from Accredited Practicing Dietitians (APD’s) and is fully Bulk Billed under Medicare for any person with type II diabetes who has a valid referral from their GP.
The diabetes program is designed for individuals who suffer from type I and type II diabetes who are looking to reduce their level of medication intake.

Fall Prevention + Balance
One in three adults aged over 65 fall at least once per year. These incidents often lead to injury, disability and loss of independence.
Allied Family Physiotherapy practitioners work with at-risk adults, developing appropriate exercise programs that focus on strength training for the legs, postural strengthening, balance, hand-eye coordination and improved walking mechanics.

Flexibility + Mobility
When we injure a muscle, joint or bone, oftentimes the body tries to protect itself from further injury by increasing tension in the affected area. As a result, the muscles become tight, reducing mobility, altering posture and often causing increased pain.
Allied Family Physiotherapy can conduct a full physical assessment of your range of motion (ROM) and mobility. Our practitioners then prescribe stretching and mobility exercises which will improve your flexibility and mobility, and restore balance to your body.

Lower Back Pain
Exercise is a major part of prevention and treatment of lower back pain. Core training is an important method in rehabilitating a back injury, as these supportive muscles are usually inactive. Correct training of how to brace your spine is important in order to prevent re-injury and reduce pain.
Our qualified practitioners work together to create a personalised treatment plan for you which aims to reduce muscular tension in affected areas through stretching and range of motion (ROM) exercises.

Osteoporosis + Arthritis
Weight bearing exercise is immensely beneficial in the prevention of OP, as the actions of the muscles working puts stress on the bones, helping to maintain bone mass. Furthermore, this weight bearing exercise can actually slow thedecline of bone mass, which highlights the importance of exercise as a preventative measure.
Allied Family Physiotherapy will develop an exercise program with appropriate exercises and intensity levels for the individual, rather than a generic exercise program.